Toronto Photowalk – August 2023 – Harbourfront

Photowalk details:

Date: August 27, 2023

Loca­tion: We met in front of the bronze stat­ue of Jack Lay­ton on a tan­dem bicy­cle near the Jack Lay­ton Fer­ry Ter­mi­nal entrance. We made our way west from the Fer­ry Ter­mi­nal, mean­der­ing along the water­front and Queens Quay toward Ire­land Park. Along the board­walk lead­ing up to Ire­land Park, we saw an elab­o­rate mar­riage pro­pos­al set­up that fea­tured a neon “Will You Mar­ry Me” sign hang­ing in the cen­tre of a large heart cov­ered in white flow­ers and sur­round­ed by white flower petals and lined by tea can­dles float­ing with­in clear glass­es vas­es.

The theme for the pho­towalk was a sin­gle focal length chal­lenge. It was meant to encour­age par­tic­i­pants to think dif­fer­ent­ly through the lim­i­ta­tions of a sin­gle focal length lens. Con­straints can often spur cre­ativ­i­ty to cap­ture stir­ring images. The pho­towalk was meant to reshape every­one’s per­spec­tive and unlock new dimen­sions of sto­ry­telling. Folks who don’t own a sin­gle focal length lens were encour­aged to sim­u­late the con­straint by not zoom­ing their lens­es.

Below are some of the pictures I captured during the photowalk. All photos were taken with my Fujinon 56mm F1.2 R lens.

A Toronto ferry taking people to Ward's Island.
A fer­ry depart­ing the Jack Lay­ton Fer­ry Ter­mi­nal en route to Ward’s Island. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/1000 sec at ƒ/5.6 and ISO 160.
Green algae on rocks with flowing water in Toronto harbourfront.
Waves wash­ing over algae-cov­ered rocks on Toron­to’s harbourfront.Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/8 sec at ƒ/5.6 and ISO 160.
Woman on phone in Tim Horton's during sunset along Queens Quay in Toronto.
Strong light from the set­ting Sun onto a woman inside a Tim Hor­ton’s along Queens Quay. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/400 sec at ƒ/4.0 and ISO 160.
Rental canoes in storage.
Canoes for rent on Toron­to’s har­bourfront. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/200 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 160.
Hard plastic seats inside an old Toronto ferry.
I real­ly enjoy the aes­thet­ic and light cast through dirty back­lit win­dows. This old Toron­to fer­ry has a deck full of hard indi­vid­ual plas­tic seats. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/800 sec at ƒ/4.0 and ISO 160.
Life jackets stuffed in the upper deck of a Toronto ferry.
More win­dows and reflec­tions. This time the win­dow of the upper bridge is stuffed with per­son­al flota­tion devices. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/500 sec at ƒ/4.0 and ISO 160.
Spiderweb hanging from bicycle handlebars.
The way I see it, there are two pos­si­bil­i­ties for what has hap­pened here. Either the bicy­cle has been parked in this spot for a long time, or we’re deal­ing with a quick spi­der. How fast can spi­ders weave such a beau­ti­ful web? Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/640 sec at ƒ/2.8 and ISO 160.
Couple sitting on wave deck on the Toronto waterfront with a large sailboat in background.
Beau­ti­ful reflect­ed sun­light on the sail­boat and a cou­ple seat­ed on the wave deck. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/1600 sec at ƒ/2.8 and ISO 160.
Yellow flower with wooden fence in the background in Toronto's Music Garden.
I took this pho­to in the wild­flower area of Toron­to’s Music Gar­den. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/125 sec at ƒ/2.8 and ISO 160.
Holy Grail Hibiscus in Toronto's Music Garden.
Hibis­cus in Toron­to’s Music Gar­den. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/180 sec at ƒ/2.8 and ISO 160.
Deep red sail boat in Toronto's Marina Quay West.
We saw this stun­ning red sail­boat in Mari­na Quay West across from the Music Gar­den. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 56mm F1.2 R lens. 1/1600 sec at ƒ/4.0 and ISO 160.

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