Photography Course 101: Camera Basics

Learn to oper­ate your camera’s basic set­tings to over­come the dull results of auto-mode.
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Unlock your camera’s potential with expert guidance

Expo­sure Ther­a­py will help you take con­trol and cap­ture stun­ning pho­tos. This begin­ner work­shop cov­ers essen­tial set­tings on most dig­i­tal cam­eras. Book now and start your jour­ney to bet­ter pho­tog­ra­phy!
101: Cam­era Basics
Your first step towards becom­ing cam­era con­fi­dent.
+ tax
3 hours
Cen­tral loca­tion
Pro instruc­tor
Small class­es
Out­door prac­tice

Photo course highlights:

  • Han­dling Your Cam­era and Chang­ing Lens­es.
  • Press­ing the Shut­ter But­ton the Right Way.
  • Adjust­ing the Viewfind­er to Your Eyes.
  • Choos­ing the Right Expo­sure Mode.
  • Raw and JPEG/HEIF: Choos­ing Image For­mats.
  • Adjust­ing White Bal­ance for True-to-Life Colours.
  • Select­ing Pic­ture Pro­files for Cre­ative Colour Effects.
  • Review­ing Pho­tos and Read­ing the His­togram.
  • Intro­duc­tion to Pho­to­graph­ic Expo­sure and ISO Speed.
  • Get­ting Great Expo­sures Every Time.

In this 3‑hour, in-per­son course, you’ll get prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence with expert guid­ance in a fun, out­door set­ting. I’ve designed this les­son to help you han­dle your cam­era with con­fi­dence and make cre­ative deci­sions. With per­son­al­ized feed­back and real-world exer­cis­es, you’ll walk away with valu­able skills you can use right away. Sign up now and start cap­tur­ing amaz­ing pho­tos!

Revamp How You Think About Photography

Take charge of every shot with con­fi­dence. My top-rat­ed pho­tog­ra­phy cours­es will make you cam­era con­fi­dent in no time. Sign up to start learn­ing how to cap­ture stun­ning pho­tos!

Important Details

  • All cam­eras with man­u­al mode.
  • All brands of dig­i­tal cam­eras.
  • Unsure? Con­tact me to check your camera’s suit­abil­i­ty.
  • Cam­era and lens
  • Ful­ly charged bat­tery
  • Emp­tied mem­o­ry card
  • Cam­era man­u­al
  • Note­book and pen

There are two loca­tions depend­ing on the time of year and weath­er.

April 1 – Octo­ber 31: In front of The Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music:

Novem­ber 1 – March 31: The Allen Lam­bert Gal­le­ria inside Brook­field Place, just by the RBC Domin­ion Secu­ri­ties facade:

My com­plete can­cel­la­tion and refund pol­i­cy is found in the Terms of Sale. The fol­low­ing sum­ma­ry is for your con­ve­nience:

  • All sales are final, and no refunds are giv­en if you can­cel.
  • If unex­pect­ed issues occur, you can resched­ule up to 24 hours before your group pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop is sched­uled to start.

This out­door pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop requires weath­er-appro­pri­ate cloth­ing to stay com­fort­able and pro­tect your gear, espe­cial­ly on wet days.

My pho­tog­ra­phy cours­es are held out­doors and involve walk­ing. Some loca­tions may not be ful­ly acces­si­ble. In case of bad weath­er, I’ll noti­fy you of any changes to the meet­ing loca­tion.

I high­ly rec­om­mend attend­ing cours­es 101 to 105 in their numer­i­cal order. Tak­ing the lessons out of order is dis­cour­aged because each builds upon the con­cepts pre­sent­ed in pre­vi­ous lessons.

Want to know more about my photography courses?

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