Exposure Therapy’s Terms of Sale

Last updat­ed: May 18, 2024.

This web­site, https://exposuretherapy.ca (hence­forth, the “Site”), is oper­at­ed by Expo­sure Ther­a­py. Through­out the Site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Expo­sure Ther­a­py. We offer this Site, includ­ing all infor­ma­tion and tools avail­able from this Site to you, the user, con­di­tioned upon your absolute and cat­e­gor­i­cal accep­tance of all terms, con­di­tions, poli­cies, and notices stat­ed here (col­lec­tive­ly, the “Terms”). 

By vis­it­ing our site and pur­chas­ing some­thing from us, you engage in our “Ser­vice” and agree to be bound by the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions of sale (“Terms of Sale”). These Terms of Sale apply to all cus­tomers, pur­chasers of ser­vice, and all per­sons par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Ser­vice we offer. 

Please read these Terms of Sale care­ful­ly before pur­chas­ing any­thing on this Site. If you do not agree to all the terms and con­di­tions of this agree­ment, then you may not pur­chase or par­tic­i­pate in our Ser­vice. If you are pur­chas­ing our Ser­vice for or on behalf of anoth­er par­tic­i­pant, it is incum­bent upon you to noti­fy them of these Terms of Sales because their par­tic­i­pa­tion in our Ser­vice is con­tin­gent upon their absolute and cat­e­gor­i­cal accep­tance of these Terms of Sales.

The head­ings used in this agree­ment are includ­ed for con­ve­nience only and will not lim­it or oth­er­wise affect these Terms of Sale.


The laws of the province of Ontario and the laws of Cana­da gov­ern these Terms of Sale.


Prices for our Ser­vice are sub­ject to change with­out notice.

We reserve the right at any time to mod­i­fy or dis­con­tin­ue the Ser­vice (or any part or con­tent there­of) with­out notice at any time.

We shall not be liable to you or any third-par­ty for any mod­i­fi­ca­tion, price change, sus­pen­sion, or dis­con­tin­u­ance of the Ser­vice.


Our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy gov­erns your sub­mis­sion of per­son­al infor­ma­tion through­out the store. Fol­low this link to view our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy.


You war­rant that the per­son­al con­tact infor­ma­tion entered as part of your paid enrol­ment in our cours­es is cor­rect and up-to-date. You agree that Expo­sure Ther­a­py will not be held respon­si­ble in sit­u­a­tions aris­ing from your incor­rect entry of per­son­al con­tact infor­ma­tion, espe­cial­ly if it results in our inabil­i­ty to pro­vide you with the cor­rect or updat­ed meet­ing arrange­ments, equip­ment require­ments, or notice of changes to enrol­ment, sched­ul­ing, or any oth­er infor­ma­tion per­ti­nent to your atten­dance. 


Our group work­shop book­ings run on the Peek plat­form, and online cred­it card pay­ments are processed through the secure plat­form pro­vid­ed by Stripe. You are encour­aged to review https://stripe.com/en-ca/privacy for infor­ma­tion regard­ing Stripe and its prac­tices.


Each par­tic­i­pant will receive an email with Meet­ing Instruc­tions before the pho­tog­ra­phy course begins (or before the first course in a series of cours­es) which informs them of the pho­tog­ra­pher’s name, tele­phone num­ber, and the pre­cise meet­ing loca­tion. It is imper­a­tive that each par­tic­i­pant receive this doc­u­ment before depart­ing for each course because the meet­ing place indi­cat­ed in the course descrip­tion can change. If you or anoth­er par­tic­i­pant have not received the Meet­ing Instruc­tions at least five days before the sched­uled class, please let us know. Par­tic­i­pants that arrive to meet at a loca­tion where the course is not occur­ring will be deemed absent and will for­feit the fees paid for the missed class.


The max­i­mum dura­tion of each course is indi­cat­ed on a course’s descrip­tion page. There is no min­i­mum dura­tion for any course offered by Expo­sure Ther­a­py. If the max­i­mum dura­tion is not reached, the Ser­vice is con­sid­ered ful­filled upon the con­clu­sion of the instructor’s pre­sen­ta­tion of the planned course mate­ri­als and—weather permitting—planned prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es. The max­i­mum dura­tion indi­cat­ed on a course’s descrip­tion page is timed for cours­es with full atten­dance. 

For sched­uled cours­es where the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants is less than the indi­cat­ed lim­it, the max­i­mum dura­tion of the course may be short­ened by Expo­sure Ther­a­py. It is impor­tant to note that such short­en­ing of course dura­tion is achieved with no detri­ment to the qual­i­ty of the Ser­vice because the atten­tion devot­ed to each par­tic­i­pant will remain the same. 


Many of our pho­tog­ra­phy cours­es take place whol­ly or part­ly out­doors. Your pho­tog­ra­phy instruc­tor, at their sole dis­cre­tion, will decide if the weath­er per­mits a good expe­ri­ence. 

You will be noti­fied by email at least twelve (12) hours before the com­mence­ment of your pho­tog­ra­phy course if it is can­celled due to severe weath­er con­di­tions. 

In prepa­ra­tion for pho­tog­ra­phy cours­es that pro­ceed as planned, we encour­age you to mon­i­tor the weath­er fore­cast for the sched­uled peri­od and to dress appro­pri­ate­ly for the con­di­tions. 


Cancellation by Exposure Therapy

Expo­sure Ther­a­py and your pho­tog­ra­phy teacher can change the date and time of a class, or even can­cel it. They will do this at least 5 days before the class starts, unless bad weath­er or low enrol­ment forces a last minute can­cel­la­tion. If your class is resched­uled or can­celled, they will let you know by email or text. If the new sched­ule does not work for you, or if the class gets can­celled, you have three options:

  1. Join the work­shop at a dif­fer­ent time;
  2. Receive a ser­vice cred­it equiv­a­lent in val­ue to the work­shop you pur­chased;
  3. Receive a refund equal to your paid price (except the por­tion paid using a gift card).

Group workshops


All sales are final. Expo­sure Ther­a­py does not offer refunds for par­tic­i­pant-ini­ti­at­ed group work­shop can­cel­la­tions. Please be sure you can attend the sched­uled les­son before pur­chas­ing your spot.


You may resched­ule your work­shop par­tic­i­pa­tion once, pro­vid­ed you noti­fy us at least twen­ty-four (24) hours before the orig­i­nal work­shop start time. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, addi­tion­al resched­ul­ing requests can­not be accom­mo­dat­ed, and no refunds will be giv­en if you can­not attend. In excep­tion­al cir­cum­stances, Expo­sure Ther­a­py may accom­mo­date rea­son­able resched­ul­ing requests at its dis­cre­tion, sub­ject to avail­able spots.

If your resched­ul­ing request results in you being the only par­tic­i­pant in the work­shop, Expo­sure Ther­a­py may can­cel the les­son and resched­ule you for the next avail­able work­shop with mul­ti­ple par­tic­i­pants. No refunds are offered in this sce­nario.

Private workshops and lessons


All sales are final, except for a few notable excep­tions. If a sched­uled date for the pri­vate work­shop can­not be agreed upon with­in sev­en (7) days of pay­ment, a full refund is avail­able if you would like. Once a ser­vice date is agreed upon or more than sev­en (7) days have passed, no refunds will be giv­en for changes of mind or any oth­er rea­son. If you pur­chase a pri­vate work­shop with­out indi­cat­ing your pre­ferred date(s) or for the ben­e­fit of a third par­ty (e.g. when pur­chas­ing a pri­vate work­shop as a gift), all sales are final, and no refunds will be giv­en.

If a sched­ule is not agreed upon and more than one (1) year pass­es since the pur­chase date, the pri­vate work­shop will be con­sid­ered expired, and all fees paid will be for­feit­ed.


Expo­sure Ther­a­py aims to accom­mo­date rea­son­able resched­ul­ing requests for pri­vate work­shops, sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty. Resched­ul­ing requests must be made at least twen­ty-four (24) hours before the orig­i­nal­ly sched­uled start time. No refunds will be giv­en if a resched­ul­ing request can­not be ful­filled due to a sched­ul­ing con­flict and it’s more than sev­en (7) days from pur­chase. Resched­uled pri­vate work­shops must occur with­in one hun­dred twen­ty (120) days of the orig­i­nal sched­uled date; oth­er­wise, the order will be con­sid­ered can­celled, and all fees paid will be for­feit­ed.

Third-Party Fees

For some pri­vate work­shops (e.g. Safari Prep), we may pay fees to third par­ties for you ahead of our sched­uled start time (e.g. admis­sion and/or park­ing pass­es pur­chased online). Please note that these fees are non-refund­able. In the event of resched­ul­ing, you will be respon­si­ble for pay­ing these fees again, as we can­not recov­er them from the third par­ty.

Private lessons and business training (over $1500)

Since Expo­sure Ther­a­py will reserve the time we agreed upon for the pri­vate les­son and will not make anoth­er reser­va­tion for the spe­cif­ic time frame, the Fee is non-refund­able even if the date is changed or the Ser­vice becomes can­celled for any rea­son. If can­celling the Ser­vice, you must noti­fy Expo­sure Ther­a­py in writ­ing at least four­teen (14) days before the time we agreed upon for the Ser­vice; oth­er­wise, you will be respon­si­ble for the total amount of the Fees due as if the Ser­vice were ren­dered in full.

You may request a sched­ule mod­i­fi­ca­tion up to four­teen (14) days in advance of your ini­tial­ly-sched­uled pri­vate course. A mod­i­fi­ca­tion is lim­it­ed to one request per order per course, after which no fur­ther change requests are pos­si­ble. If your request for mod­i­fi­ca­tion can­not be ful­filled due to a con­flict in sched­ul­ing, you will be offered a Ser­vice Cred­it equal to your orig­i­nal pay­ment. Mod­i­fi­ca­tions are impos­si­ble with four­teen (14) days or less remain­ing until your ini­tial­ly-sched­uled pri­vate course starts.

Refunds and reimbursements

When a refund is approved, the mon­ey is returned via the same method used to make the pur­chase. If you paid by cred­it card and the card you paid with is closed or invalid, the mon­ey will still be refund­ed to your cred­it card account. Your cred­it card issuer is respon­si­ble for han­dling the details.

Our cred­it card pay­ment processor’s refund time­line states that it takes 2–7 busi­ness days to process a refund. Once the refund is processed and sent to your card issu­ing bank, it can take anoth­er 2–7 busi­ness days (depend­ing on the bank) for the refund to post to your account. It can take 9–14 busi­ness days for you to receive your refund.


When you pur­chase our Ser­vice, Expo­sure Ther­a­py reserves for you the request­ed num­ber of lim­it­ed-avail­abil­i­ty slots at the exclu­sion of oth­er par­tic­i­pants. For this rea­son, we do not offer refunds or ser­vice cred­its to any per­son that fails to attend a sched­uled group or pri­vate course for any rea­son.

Service credits

Group pho­tog­ra­phy Ser­vice Cred­its are pro­vid­ed in the form of unique coupon codes equal in dol­lar val­ue to the price of the ser­vice you ini­tial­ly pur­chased. You may redeem your ser­vice cred­it at the time of your next pur­chase. Ser­vice Cred­its must be redeemed with­in 120 days of the ini­tial­ly sched­uled course for which they are cred­it­ed. After 120 days, the ser­vice cred­it expires, and you for­feit all fees paid.


You may use Expo­sure Therapy’s dig­i­tal-only Gift Cards like cash equiv­a­lents. When book­ing a work­shop using a Gift Card, the total bal­ance of the Gift Card goes down by the amount you spend. You may con­tact Expo­sure Ther­a­py by email to check your Gift Card bal­ance. Expo­sure Therapy’s Gift Cards are not vouch­ers that can be exchanged direct­ly for work­shops.

The cash bal­ance on a Gift Card is redeemable only for group pho­tog­ra­phy work­shops. You may not redeem the cash bal­ance on a Gift Card toward pri­vate lessons or pri­vate video lessons.

A Gift Card can­not be redeemed or exchanged for cash.

No Gift Card Refunds

All Gift Card pur­chas­es are final sales. Expo­sure Ther­a­py does not offer refunds on Gift Cards.


You agree that Expo­sure Ther­a­py or its assignee(s) may dis­play and use pho­tographs obtained by it through­out the course of the Ser­vice, includ­ing those of your image and like­ness, for the pur­pos­es of dis­play, web­site and inter­net pro­mo­tion, pub­lic dis­play, store­fronts, win­dow dis­plays, stu­dio dis­play, Insta­gram, Face­book, Twit­ter, and any oth­er uses deemed appro­pri­ate by Expo­sure Ther­a­py. 


Expo­sure Ther­a­py reserves the right, at its sole dis­cre­tion, to change, mod­i­fy, add, or remove por­tions of these Terms of Sale and at any time. Your con­tin­ued use of Expo­sure Ther­a­py’s Ser­vice is gov­erned by the most cur­rent ver­sion of the Terms of Sale, and you are encour­aged to read and review them peri­od­i­cal­ly. Your pur­chase of the Ser­vice indi­cates your accep­tance and agree­ment to the most recent ver­sion of the Terms of Sale avail­able at the time of pur­chase con­fir­ma­tion. 


We do not guar­an­tee, rep­re­sent, or war­rant that your use of our Ser­vice will be unin­ter­rupt­ed, time­ly, secure, or error-free.

The Ser­vice is pro­vid­ed ‘as is’ and ‘as avail­able’ for your use, with­out any rep­re­sen­ta­tion, war­ranties, or con­di­tions of any kind, either express or implied, includ­ing all implied war­ranties or con­di­tions.

The nature of the Ser­vice may involve your par­tic­i­pa­tion in out­door activ­i­ties that are held in both pri­vate and pub­lic spaces that are not tend­ed to or cared for by Expo­sure Ther­a­py or its instruc­tors. You agree that your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Ser­vice is vol­un­tar­i­ly and that you have con­sid­ered and accept­ed of all poten­tial risks that may arise from such par­tic­i­pa­tion, both to your­self and the prop­er­ty under your own­er­ship or care. Addi­tion­al­ly, you agree that nei­ther Expo­sure Ther­a­py nor its instruc­tors hold any author­i­ty to com­pel your par­tic­i­pa­tion in any activ­i­ties or prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es and that you are wel­come and encour­aged to exer­cise your due dili­gence in avoid­ing unnec­es­sary risk. In no case shall Expo­sure Ther­a­py, our own­ers, employ­ees, agents, con­trac­tors, interns, instruc­tors, or ser­vice providers be liable for any injury, loss, claim, or any direct, indi­rect, inci­den­tal, puni­tive, spe­cial, or con­se­quen­tial dam­ages of any kind, includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion lost prof­its, lost rev­enue, lost sav­ings, loss of data, replace­ment costs, or any sim­i­lar dam­ages, whether based in con­tract, tort (includ­ing neg­li­gence), strict lia­bil­i­ty or oth­er­wise, aris­ing from your par­tic­i­pa­tion in our Ser­vice, or for any oth­er claim relat­ed in any way to your use of the Ser­vice, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, any errors or omis­sions in any con­tent, or any loss or dam­age of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the Ser­vice.


Paul Kou­nine owns all rights, includ­ing all copy­right, to the entire con­tent of the Site, unless oth­er­wise attrib­uted. Unless oth­er­wise indi­cat­ed, your pur­chase of the Ser­vice grants you no right, title, or inter­est in the con­tent, infor­ma­tion, prod­ucts or ser­vices, or oth­er mate­ri­als avail­able through the Site or our in-per­son cours­es.


Occa­sion­al­ly, there may be infor­ma­tion on our Site or pro­vid­ed in the Ser­vice that con­tains typo­graph­i­cal errors, inac­cu­ra­cies or omis­sions that may relate to ser­vice descrip­tions, pric­ing, pro­mo­tions, offers, loca­tion, and avail­abil­i­ty. We reserve the right to cor­rect any errors, inac­cu­ra­cies, or omis­sions, and to change or update infor­ma­tion or can­cel orders if any infor­ma­tion in the Ser­vice or on any relat­ed web­site is inac­cu­rate at any time with­out pri­or notice (includ­ing after you have con­firmed your Pur­chase).

We under­take no oblig­a­tion to update, amend, or clar­i­fy infor­ma­tion in the Ser­vice or on any relat­ed web­site, includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion, pric­ing infor­ma­tion, except as required by law. No spec­i­fied update or refresh date applied in the Ser­vice or on any relat­ed web­site should be tak­en to indi­cate that all infor­ma­tion in the Ser­vice or on any relat­ed web­site has been mod­i­fied or updat­ed.

Contact us

If you have any ques­tions about our Terms of Sale or our Refunds Pol­i­cy, please con­tact us:

By email:


By vis­it­ing this page on our Site: https://exposuretherapy.ca/contact/