Master Photography, Fast.

High­ly rat­ed, in-per­son pho­tog­ra­phy cours­es in Toron­to.
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Based on 79 reviews

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Get started here:

Trans­form your pho­tog­ra­phy skills with flex­i­ble learn­ing options: fixed pro­gram, pri­vate lessons, or indi­vid­ual cours­es.

Beginner Accelerator

Learn pho­tog­ra­phy with this 5‑course pro­gram. Gain con­fi­dence and skills through guid­ed prac­tice.

Private Lessons

Achieve rapid progress with per­son­al­ized, one-on-one lessons tai­lored to your sched­ule and inter­ests.

iPhone Photography

Learn to cap­ture stun­ning pho­tos and improve com­po­si­tions using the world’s most pop­u­lar cam­era.

What people are saying

I am so hap­py to learn pho­tog­ra­phy with Expo­sure Ther­a­py. Paul made is so enjoy­ing and easy for me.
Nayan Mahady
Nayan Mahady
Paul is a great teacher. He explains things in a way that is easy to under­stand and gives con­crete exam­ples. The fact that the class takes place out­side, in the field, is the per­fect way to prac­tice while learn­ing. I real­ly enjoyed his class­es, I learned a lot and I high­ly rec­om­mend more
Danielle C
Danielle C
Paul is knowl­edge­able and a good teacher, I learned a lot and real­ly enjoyed the ses­sion.
Sandra Senez Lepoutre
San­dra Senez Lep­outre
Amaz­ing class! I went into the class as a total begin­ner, and left feel­ing com­fort­able, con­fi­dent, and knowl­edge­able with my cam­era and pho­tog­ra­phy overall.Highly rec­om­mend!!!read more
Abbey Lorimer
Abbey Lorimer
I couldn’t be more hap­py with Expo­sure therapy.I have booked 4 class­es, and only had one, but already got a piece of infor­ma­tion that was miss­ing and it improved my pic­tures drastically.It’s a great expe­ri­ence to learn from a per­son who is deeply in love with the sub­ject, both artis­tic and technical.Paul is a great com­mu­ni­ca­tor, and his teach­ing expe­ri­ence is very notice­able. Tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed clear, and he always points that no mat­ter if you are using your cam­era “right” or “wrong”, pho­tog­ra­phy is the art. If you are hap­py with the result — you did every­thing right.No mat­ter how dif­fi­cult or “stu­pid” your ques­tion is, Paul will make sure to pro­vide you with the infor­ma­tion in a friend­ly man­ner, and make you feel understood.I’m hop­ing to add more pho­tos at the end of the course so you can see the actu­al skills Paul is help­ing me to build.Don’t hes­i­tate to take class­es from Expo­sure ther­a­py!read more
Oleksandra Shapovalova
Olek­san­dra Shapo­val­o­va
Paul is incred­i­bly knowl­edge­able and pas­sion­ate. He incor­po­rat­ed the­o­ry and prac­tice, which made it very enrich­ing. As a begin­ner, this course real­ly deep­ened my under­stand­ing of pho­tog­ra­phy and also helped me become more com­fort­able with the cam­era I just bought. I have com­plet­ed 3 out of the 4 cours­es. Excit­ed for the last and to be able to put it all togeth­ more
Pradnya Khattra
Prad­nya Khat­tra
I booked the 100: iPhone Pho­tog­ra­phy course as a birth­day gift for my mom. So hap­py to have found this unique offer­ing as it was an excel­lent way to spend the after­noon! Paul was a great guide — super knowl­edge­able, kind and patient as he walked us through tons of help­ful tech­ni­cal info of our phones’ capa­bil­i­ties and what it takes to com­pose a great pho­to. Thank you, Paul!read more
Julienne MacKay
Juli­enne MacK­ay
Paul was great dur­ing a pri­vate ses­sion with me and my 2 friends. He explained every­thing regard­ing o iPhone pho­tog­ra­phy and answered a lot of our ques­tions. We learned a lot and he was very accom­mo­dat­ing! His ses­sion is real­ly worth it and I would for sure rec­om­mend him to any­one!read more
Paula Teixeira Marques
Paula Teix­eira Mar­ques
Today was my sec­ond work­shop out of four with Paul. Pho­tog­ra­phy has always been an Inter­est of mine. I nev­er under­stood the func­tions of my dig­i­tal SLR. Before this week­end it was always auto­mat­ic set­tings and a roll of the dice if I’d appre­ci­ate a pho­to I would take cause I nev­er could oper­ate the cam­era properly.Teaching is a nuanced and del­i­cate skill set. Paul’s exten­sive knowl­edge, patience, will­ing­ness, and enthu­si­asm to see his stu­dents suc­ceed in grasp­ing and under­stand­ing their cam­eras func­tions is what makes his teach­ing style so suc­cess­ful. We were always tak­ing moments to prac­tice these func­tions with exper­i­men­tal exer­cis­es, which made it very easy to ful­ly com­pre­hend what he was talk­ing about every step of the way.I would rec­om­mend any­one at any skill lev­el to take advan­tage of Paul’s lessons. His rates are very fair and worth every pen­ny. I look for­ward to my next class!read more
Katie L
Katie L
Paul was able to help me become more com­fort­able with my cam­era. Through under­stand­able instruc­tion of ter­mi­nol­o­gy and its appli­ca­tion, he removed the mys­tery, which was caus­ing a bar­ri­er to my learn­ing. I would high­ly rec­om­mend the pri­vate ses­ more
Belinda Bernardo
Belin­da Bernar­do
Paul was so inspir­ing and help­ful. I had fall­en into a dry spell with my pho­tog­ra­phy and need­ed some insight on how I could ignite my enthu­si­asm again and under­stand where I was going wrong. It worked! Thanks Paul!read more
Barbara Bailie
Bar­bara Bailie
Paul is a real­ly good teacher who does his job well. He patient­ly helped me under­stand every­thing he explained in a fun way. If you want to learn pho­tog­ra­phy, I def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend more
Tolga Avunduk
Tol­ga Avun­duk
Had my first les­son with Paul yes­ter­day and I came away with a lot of valu­able and very use­ful infor­ma­tion. The les­son was well struc­tured, clear and method­i­cal. I espe­cial­ly liked that we walked around the pho­to­genic cam­pus of U of T where I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to imme­di­ate­ly apply the con­cepts I was shown. I won’t be using the Auto mode on my cam­era any­more! Look­ing for­ward to my next les­ more
helen schrancz
helen schrancz
Paul was able to tai­lor the pri­vate les­son to meet my spe­cif­ic pho­tog­ra­phy needs and break­down the the­o­ry in an easy to under­stand man­ner. The instant feed­back from work­ing one on one is immense­ly help­ful and infor­ma­tive. Would high­ly rec­om­mend Paul to any­one look­ing to improve their pho­tog­ra­phy more
Josef Hanik
Josef Hanik
Wow Paul is a one of kind pho­tog­ra­phy teacher! The hands on teach­ing in small groups allows you to real­ly under­stand the mech­a­nisms of your cam­era. Thank you Paul!read more
Luke Fernando
Luke Fer­nan­do
High­ly rec­om­mend work­ing with Paul! I real­ly enjoyed our pri­vate les­son and learned so much — he is super knowl­edge­able, took the time to under­stand where I was at in my pho­tog­ra­phy jour­ney and tai­lored our time to meet my learn­ing pri­or­i­ties. Not to men­tion, he’s hilarious.Thanks Paul!read more
Carly Grant
Car­ly Grant
I have tak­en some online and in class cours­es but Paul’s in person/walking class­es are far bet­ter. He eas­i­ly explains tech­ni­cal aspects of pho­tog­ra­phy with easy to under­stand exam­ples and then with prac­ti­cal hands on shoot­ing. Hav­ing had a DLSR cam­era for a few years and get­ting ok pic­tures now and then but now I under­stand what I was doing incor­rect­ly and now tak­ing much bet­ter pho­tos. I high­ly rec­om­mend this course to any­one who wants to improve their pho­tog­ra­phyread more
Mike Halliday
Mike Hal­l­i­day
Had a great expe­ri­ence with Paul. As a first time cam­era user we learned a lot of the basics in an easy to under­stand way. I hired paul specif­i­cal­ly to prac­tice for an upcom­ing Safari trip. I def­i­nite­ly feel more con­fi­dent after our session.Highly rec­om­mend Paul to any future pho­tog­ra­phy enthu­si­ast. Espe­cial­ly for begin­ners!read more
Kushal Shah
Kushal Shah
Thank you very much for the course. I enjoyed every minute of your detailed lec­ture. very help­ful and knowl­edge­able. thank you again
Malini Sellathurai
Mali­ni Sel­l­athu­rai
I took expo­sure ther­a­py cours­es 101: Cam­era Basics and 102: Aper­ture and Lens, and they were both very good. I can’t speak high­ly enough of the cours­es. I flew all the way to Toron­to from Wash­ing­ton D.C. just for the cours­es, and I was very hap­py with my decision.Paul is very knowl­edge­able on all types of cam­eras, and he is espe­cial­ly good at teach­ing very com­plex con­cepts in a sim­ple man­ner. His cours­es are the per­fect mix of the­o­ry and prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion. I entered the cours­es not know­ing any­thing about cam­eras and I left with a good begin­ner under­stand­ing of how to use my cam­era to adjust light­ing for my pic­ more
James Ramadan
James Ramadan
Paul is an excel­lent Light­room teacher. He tai­lored the con­tent to my needs and hit the mark on help­ing me under­stand the Light­room file struc­ more
Barb Callander
Barb Callan­der
I booked a two hour pri­vate ses­sion on using Light­room Clas­sic with Paul and it was so help­ful. Paul was able to diag­nose the prob­lems I was hav­ing with both my cat­a­log and back­ups. I knew they weren’t oper­at­ing prop­er­ly but had­n’t been able to fix them. He also showed me how to move my pho­tos to one exter­nal hard dri­ve and explained some Light­room terms and choic­es to be aware of. Thanks Paul for all of your help. I am act­ing on what I learned from my ses­sion and am on my way to hav­ing my pho­tos orga­nized, search­able and all in one more
Enid Grant
Enid Grant
Paul is an amaz­ing guide and teacher. I learned lots about my new cam­era! I look for­ward to learn­ing more about pho­tog­ra­phy on future walks and cours­ more
Jennifer Burns
Jen­nifer Burns
I’m great­ly enjoy­ing my expe­ri­ence tak­ing Paul’s basic course series. The instruc­tion is very clear, at a man­age­able pace, and the hand’s on prac­tice is very help­ful! I final­ly feel like I’m start­ing to under­stand how to use my cam­era after try­ing to read books and online tuto­ri­als, and still feel­ing con­ more
Laura A
Lau­ra A
Paul is knowl­edge­able, a good teacher and makes the class fun for any­one want­i­ng to learn pho­tog­ra­phy.
Lenore Nemani
Lenore Nemani
Could there be a bet­ter way to gain con­fi­dence with your cam­era and learn the basics of pho­tog­ra­phy than to walk the streets of Toron­to with Paul as your instruc­tor?! Paul’s Cam­era Basics class­es are a must for any aspir­ing pho­tog­ra­ph­er; they are infor­ma­tive, well orga­nized, and thought­ful­ly planned out. And to top it off, Paul just hap­pens to be a super nice guy!read more
Hyun Kim
Hyun Kim
Paul is very knowl­edge­able, well spo­ken and fun. It was a great expe­ri­ence and I would high­ly rec­om­mend it. I can­not wait for my next course with Paul and would glad­ly sign up for all his future cours­es. He is a 10/10Edit: I took these pho­tos after the first ses­sion with a pret­ty old camera(a6000) and its very basic kit more
Ali Farsani
Ali Farsani
10/10 would rec­om­mend these cours­es to any­one who has an inter­est in learn­ing pho­tog­ra­phy but has no idea where to start! Paul is extreme­ly knowl­edge­able and great teacherread more
Darilyn Seymour
Dar­i­lyn Sey­mour
Paul is an amaz­ing teacher who explains the top­ics very thor­ough­ly. Does­n’t rush and makes sure every­one under­stands before he moves on, 100% worth the more
Hj Jassi
Hj Jas­si
In a group of five, I believe we all got some love here — lots of ques­tions answered, and knowl­edge shared. I will be book­ing anoth­er course in the near more
Dawn Yager
Dawn Yager
Just com­plet­ed the bun­dle pack­age (4 lessons). Loved the mix of the­o­ry and prac­tice! We got plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty to put the the­o­ry into prac­tice, each class. I appre­ci­at­ed how patient Paul was with my ques­tions. He answered my ques­tions in sim­ple terms and con­cise­ly. Final­ly, I real­ly appre­ci­at­ed the very small class size. Gave us ample oppor­tu­ni­ty to ask ques­ more
Nia D
Nia D
It was great to work with Paul. He is a very knowl­edge­able pho­tog­ra­ph­er, and the intro­duc­to­ry class­es I took were struc­tured and paced per­fect­ly. Paul is great at break­ing down advanced con­cepts using a diverse set of strate­gies, exam­ples, and analo­gies. He is also a very patient teacher. High­ly rec­om­ more
Alan Li
Alan Li
We booked a pri­vate les­son for 2 peo­ple at work. Paul deliv­ered a dynam­ic and com­pre­hen­sive intro­duc­tion to pho­tog­ra­phy with prac­ti­cal train­ing that was cus­tomized to our pre­cise needs. He is extreme­ly per­son­able, knowl­edge­able and was able to quick­ly assess our exist­ing abil­i­ties to adjust the deliv­ery of the train­ing. Paul suc­cess­ful­ly com­bined the­o­ry, prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions and post-pro­duc­tion infor­ma­tion that was spe­cif­ic to our needs that we will be able to imme­di­ate­ly take back and use in our roles in Mar­ket­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions. We high­ly rec­om­mend Paul and Expo­sure Ther­a­py for cor­po­rate or per­son­al train­ing in pho­tog­ra­ more
Alexandra B.
Alexan­dra B.
Loved the course and the expe­ri­ence! I was entire­ly new in pho­tog­ra­phy, so I took the begin­ner bun­dle work­shop and spent 4 days learn­ing from Paul. He’s very knowl­edge­able, explains things in an easy way and most impor­tant­ly ensures that you under­stood every con­cept. The lessons are out­doors, so it’s very nice to walk through the area and put in prac­tice the the­o­ry. This work­shop was exact­ly what I need­ed to feel con­fi­dent to con­tin­ue in the pho­tog­ra­phy jour­ney. Thank you so much Paul!read more
Daniela cestone duque
Daniela ces­tone duque
I had a three hour pri­vate les­son with Paul. Paul was excel­lent and work­ing with me at my pace and was very good in ensur­ing I under­stood the con­cepts before mov­ing onto the next top­ic. I left that ses­sion with a much bet­ter under­stand­ing of the basics. I look for­ward to the next ses­sion!read more
Brian Bader
Bri­an Bad­er
Had my first class today with Paul. I am very hap­py with what I learned today. Paul was very patient and he answered all ques­tions regard­ing pho­tog­ra­phy. Over­all, I’m real­ly glad I reg­is­tered the course, and I’m able to take some decent pic­tures more
Ruibin Wang
Ruib­in Wang

About the Beginner Accelerator

5‑course pro­gram for $540.

101: Camera Basics

Learn essen­tial cam­era set­tings and func­tions, and gain con­fi­dence in han­dling your cam­era. Per­fect for begin­ners and new cam­era own­ers.

102: Aperture & Lens

Get famil­iar with depth and per­spec­tive by mas­ter­ing the lens and its aper­ture. Ide­al for enhanc­ing por­trait, land­scape, and trav­el pho­tog­ra­phy.

103: Shutter Speed

Explore the impact of shut­ter speed on expo­sure, learn to freeze action or cre­ate motion blur, and cap­ture dynam­ic pho­tos in var­i­ous light­ing con­di­tions.

104: Manual Exposure

Gain full con­trol over your cam­era by bal­anc­ing ISO, aper­ture, and shut­ter speed for con­sis­tent, per­fect­ly exposed pho­tos in any sit­u­a­tion.

105: Guided Practice

Prac­tice and refine the con­cepts learned in ear­li­er lessons, cap­tur­ing great shots under pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance in diverse light­ing sit­u­a­tions.

Private Photography Lessons with Paul

Get per­son­al­ized atten­tion from a pho­tog­ra­phy pro.

1:1 Private Lesson

Deep­en your knowl­edge of pho­tog­ra­phy with tai­lored lessons about any top­ic taught at your pace in Toron­to.

1:1 Basic Bootcamp

Going on a trip? Need to brush up on the fun­da­men­tals? Fast-track your skills with 1:1 lessons taught over 2 or 3 ses­sions, any­where in Toron­to.

Fill in your details below, and I’ll respond within one business day.


My Toron­to pho­tog­ra­phy cours­es are entire­ly in-per­son. Hands-on learn­ing and imme­di­ate feed­back are cru­cial for learn­ing pho­tog­ra­phy effec­tive­ly.

From April 1 to Octo­ber 31, most lessons are held out­doors, meet­ing in front of the Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music on Bloor St. From Novem­ber 1 to March 31, we meet inside Brook­field Place. Spe­cif­ic loca­tions may vary based on the course and weath­er con­di­tions.

The group pho­tog­ra­phy cours­es are 3 hours each. The 5‑course Begin­ner Accel­er­a­tor pro­vides about 15 hours of com­pre­hen­sive learn­ing and prac­tice.

Yes, pri­vate lessons are tai­lored to your sched­ule. I offer flex­i­ble tim­ing and can meet you at a loca­tion of your choice to ensure you get the most out of your learn­ing expe­ri­ence.

For most cours­es, a DSLR or mir­ror­less cam­era is ide­al. Alter­na­tive­ly, you’re good if your cam­era has a cir­cu­lar dial with the let­ters P A S M. For the iPhone Pho­tog­ra­phy course, an iPhone 11 or high­er will suf­fice. Please get in touch with me if you’re still unsure.

Absolute­ly! I’ve taught folks who have shown up a day after get­ting their first cam­era. My cours­es are designed for com­plete begin­ners and inter­me­di­ate pho­tog­ra­phers.

Learn fast. Learn right.

Reg­is­ter for the com­pre­hen­sive 5‑course Begin­ner Accel­er­a­tor.