Private Photography Lessons

Get cus­tom, in-per­son lessons from a high­ly rat­ed pro.
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Two options for one-on-one learning

The 1:1 Pri­vate Boot­camp cov­ers the cam­era essen­tials, aper­ture and lens, shut­ter speed tech­niques, and man­u­al expo­sure — all in 12 hours. Ide­al for safari and trav­el enthu­si­asts, it ensures you cap­ture stun­ning land­scapes and wildlife. Get the focused atten­tion you need to suc­ceed.
1:1 Pri­vate Les­son
Deep dive into any top­ic with hands-on guid­ance.
+ tax
1 par­tic­i­pant
Pro instruc­tor
Choice of top­ic
Any­where in Toron­to
1:1 Pri­vate Boot­camp
Cov­ers cam­era basics, aper­ture and lens, shut­ter speed tech­niques, and man­u­al expo­sure.
+ tax
Ide­al for safari and trav­el enthu­si­asts.
12-hour inten­sive pro­gram
2–3 flex­i­ble ses­sions
Pro instruc­tor
Any­where in Toron­to

How to book your private lesson

  1. Choose your pre­ferred les­son and click the but­ton to reach the secure pay­ment page.
  2. Sug­gest 1–3 dates, your loca­tion in Toron­to, and what you want to learn.
  3. Enter your pay­ment infor­ma­tion and place the order.
  4. I will con­firm avail­abil­i­ty with­in one busi­ness day and ask any fol­low-up ques­tions.
  5. Once con­firmed, we’re ready to go.

I’ll ful­ly refund your pay­ment if I can’t accom­mo­date your pre­ferred dates.

Do you want to confirm the details before booking your private lesson?

Giraffe portrait against a cloudy blue sky.

Important Details

  • All cam­eras with man­u­al mode.
  • All brands of dig­i­tal cam­eras.
  • Unsure? Con­tact me to check your camera’s suit­abil­i­ty.
  • Cam­era and lens
  • Ful­ly charged bat­tery (I rec­om­mend at least two for Boot­camp ses­sions)
  • Emp­tied mem­o­ry card
  • Cam­era man­u­al
  • Note­book and pen

The loca­tion of your pri­vate les­son is entire­ly yours, so feel free to get cre­ative or choose your favourite part of town. The Pri­vate Les­son and Pri­vate Boot­camp include your instruc­tor’s trav­el any­where with­in the City of Toron­to. 

Pri­vate pho­to cours­es are not restrict­ed to out­door or pub­lic loca­tions. For exam­ple, I can offer a pri­vate les­son in your home if you’re learn­ing to use Adobe Light­room Clas­sic. If you enjoy ani­mal and wildlife pho­tog­ra­phy, I’d hap­pi­ly meet you at Riverdale Farm, the Metro Toron­to Zoo, or Tom­my Thomp­son Park. 

For lessons held out­side the City of Toron­to, a trav­el fee of $1.95 per kilo­me­tre, cal­cu­lat­ed one way from Expo­sure Ther­a­py’s loca­tion, will apply. Such lessons are cus­tom priced, so please con­tact me before mak­ing your pur­chase.

My com­plete can­cel­la­tion and refund pol­i­cy is found in the Terms of Sale. The fol­low­ing sum­ma­ry is for your con­ve­nience:

  • All sales are final, and no refunds are giv­en if you can­cel.
  • If unex­pect­ed issues occur, you can resched­ule up to 24 hours before your pri­vate les­son is sched­uled to start.

The les­son fee does not cov­er the instructor’s entry fee for loca­tions with paid admis­sion. You must pur­chase the instructor’s tick­et for such venues.

Since my pho­tog­ra­phy class­es take place out­side, please wear cloth­ing appro­pri­ate for the weath­er con­di­tions.