Learn to Shoot Like a Pro

The cre­ative process, demys­ti­fied.
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Natural talent is overrated.

Unlock your pho­to­graph­ic poten­tial with my com­pre­hen­sive 5‑course Begin­ner Accel­er­a­tor. I’ll help you mas­ter con­cepts and tech­niques quick­ly and effec­tive­ly so you’ll think like a pro and feel con­fi­dent in any sit­u­a­tion.
Begin­ner Accel­er­a­tor
Ele­vate your pho­tog­ra­phy in just 5 cours­es.
+ tax
5 cours­es
Pro instruc­tor
15-hours total
Small class­es
Lots of prac­tice

What’s included in the Beginner Accelerator:

101: Camera Basics

You’ll learn about dif­fer­ent image for­mats, the impor­tance of white bal­ance and pic­ture pro­files, and how to cor­rect the expo­sure.

102: Aperture and Lens

You’ll dis­cov­er how the focal length affects per­spec­tive, when to use dif­fer­ent aper­tures, and tech­niques for manip­u­lat­ing the depth of field.

103: Shutter Speed

In this course, you’ll learn how expo­sure dura­tion affects our per­cep­tion of move­ment, how and when to use shut­ter pri­or­i­ty mode, and how to trou­bleshoot blur­ry pho­tos.

104: Manual Exposure

In this course, you’ll learn how cam­eras mea­sure light to set man­u­al expo­sures cor­rect­ly and how to focus accu­rate­ly on sta­t­ic and mov­ing sub­jects.

105: Guided Photo Practice

We’ll spend three hours prac­tic­ing every­thing you’ve learned in a dynam­ic day­light-to-twi­light work­shop.

Meeting Locations

April 1 – Octo­ber 31

In front of The Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music

Novem­ber 1 – March 31

The Allen Lam­bert Gal­le­ria inside Brook­field Place, just by the RBC Domin­ion Secu­ri­ties facade