Red Rock Lighthouse during sunset from Franklin Island on Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada.

Image credits and acknowledgements

Through­out this site, I pri­or­i­tize using my pic­tures to pro­vide you with ample proof of my pho­to­graph­ic com­pe­tence and expe­ri­ence. How­ev­er, when my images don’t align with my web design goals and themes, I resort to stock pho­tos to main­tain the visu­al appeal. Below is a list of the stock pho­tos I’ve used and the pho­tog­ra­phers that cre­at­ed them.


Umut Dağlı: Begin­ner Accel­er­a­tor thumb­nail, iPhone Pho­tog­ra­phy thumb­nail

Clement Proust: Pri­vate Lessons thumb­nail

Emils Plinte: Pri­vate Lessons ban­ner

Matt C Hardy: Bot­tom CTA (found across many course pages)

iPhone photography course page

Tatiana Syriko­va: Page ban­ner

Askar Abayev: Fea­tures pho­to

Zeynep Sude Emek: Bot­tom CTA

Manual exposure course page

Cot­ton­bro Stu­dio: Fea­tures pho­to

Private photography lessons page

Uma Shankar Aro­ra: Page ban­ner