Exposure Value and the Photographic Stop

Before push­ing ahead to dis­cuss how your camera’s set­tings affect expo­sure and pic­ture bright­ness, it’s essen­tial to famil­iar­ize your­self with the con­cept of expo­sure val­ue, or EV. In pho­tog­ra­phy, expo­sure val­ue has two relat­ed but sep­a­rate mean­ings: first, as a scale of absolute val­ues, and sec­ond, as a unit of rel­a­tive change.

Exposure value as an absolute scale

An expo­sure val­ue is a num­ber on a scale that rep­re­sents scene lumi­nance, which is the amount of light present in your com­po­si­tion and falling on your sub­ject (be it a per­son, place, or thing). Each num­ber on the scale is derived from all pos­si­ble com­bi­na­tions of a camera’s aper­ture and shut­ter val­ues that pro­duce equiv­a­lent expo­sures at ISO 100.

The math­e­mat­i­cal equa­tion for how expo­sure val­ues are derived is too advanced for a beginner’s guide and unnec­es­sary for under­stand­ing cor­rect expo­sure. Attempt­ing to mem­o­rize the table below is also dis­cour­aged because you would need a sec­ond chart to con­vert the expo­sure val­ues into aper­ture and shut­ter set­tings.

There are two rea­sons for intro­duc­ing the scale. First, cam­era man­u­fac­tur­ers use absolute expo­sure val­ues to indi­cate the oper­at­ing lim­its of their cam­eras’ aut­o­fo­cus and expo­sure meter­ing mod­ules. High-per­for­mance cam­eras tend to have a broad­er oper­at­ing range. Sec­ond, the expo­sure val­ue scale demon­strates the immense dif­fer­ences in the inten­si­ties of light you and your cam­era encounter across a vari­ety of sce­nar­ios. How’s this pos­si­ble for an appar­ent­ly mod­est range of EV –6 to EV 18? The scale is log­a­rith­mic.

Exposure Values Scale

EV (100)Light­ing Con­di­tion
>16Rarely encoun­tered arti­fi­cial sources of illu­mi­na­tion.
16Light-coloured sur­face, such as snow or sand, in direct mid­day sun­light
15Direct mid­day sun­light. Full moon at night, high in sky.
14Hazy sun­light or part­ly cloudy con­di­tions.
13Mid­day, cloudy/overcast
12Sub­jects in open shade dur­ing clear mid­day sun­light. Sky­line dur­ing sun­set.
11Sun­sets. Sub­jects in deep shade.
10Art gallery inte­ri­ors. Land- and cityscapes imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing sun­set.
9Flood­lit sport­ing events. Art gallery inte­ri­ors. Neon lights. Fires.
8Bright street lights. Office inte­ri­ors.
7Indoor sports. Stage shows. Shad­ed for­est floors dur­ing day­time. Light out­doors about 10 min­utes after sun­set.
6Bright­ly lit home inte­ri­ors.
5Night home inte­ri­ors. Night car traf­fic.
4Can­dle­light. Christ­mas tree lights. Home inte­ri­ors.
3Mon­u­ments, stat­ues, and foun­tains lit by flood­lights.
2Dis­tant office build­ings at night.
1Dis­tant sky­lines at night.
–2Sub­jects under full moon on snow or sand.
–3Sub­jects under full moon.
–4Sub­ject lit by gib­bous moon.
–5Sub­jects lit by starlight and cres­cent moon.
–6Sub­ject lit by starlight.

Exposure value as units of relative change

An expo­sure val­ue also describes an inter­val on the scale above. Adding 1 EV cor­re­sponds to dou­ble the light inten­si­ty; sub­tract­ing 1 EV cor­re­sponds to half the light inten­si­ty. This rela­tion­ship makes the scale log­a­rith­mic. For exam­ple, EV 15 indi­cates a sub­ject bright­ness half that of EV 16 (–1 EV dif­fer­ence, or 1/(2^1) = 1/2) and six­teen times that of EV 11 (4 EV dif­fer­ence, or 2^4 = 16).

The photographic “stop”

Beyond its util­i­ty in describ­ing the dif­fer­ences in absolute scene lumi­nance, rel­a­tive EV is used to describe a spe­cif­ic change to expo­sure. In this role, it’s com­mon­ly called a stop, or less often, a step.

A stop is a unit of change to the rel­a­tive aper­ture or shut­ter set­tings that either dou­bles or halves the expo­sure. When refer­ring to ISO, a stop either dou­bles or halves the effec­tive expo­sure, mean­ing the result­ing pic­ture bright­ness.

Does 1 EV refer to a specific position on the absolute scale or a relative unit of change? No standardized notation exists for differentiating between the two. When in doubt, use context to determine the author’s intent. This guide refers to the absolute scale using EV # and to the relative scale using # EV.

Some­times, it’s not pos­si­ble to achieve cor­rect expo­sure by chang­ing set­tings using full stops. In such cir­cum­stances, pho­tog­ra­phers rely on frac­tions of a stop. Most cam­eras allow adjust­ing expo­sure set­tings using one-half and one-third stop inter­vals, and some pro­fes­sion­al flash units enable adjust­ments as fine as 1/10-stop inter­vals.

It’s essential to understand that a stop has no absolute value; it always describes a change corresponding to an existing amount.