Toronto Photowalks


Free Toronto Photowalks

Grab your walk­ing shoes and cam­era and join Expo­sure Ther­a­py for a free themed pho­towalk. Bring a pho­to-curi­ous friend, or make new ones along the way!

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Free • 3–4 hours • Rain or shine • All skill lev­els wel­come!

Whether you’re a newbie, a pro, or somewhere in between, join Exposure Therapy for free photowalks to practice your skills and meet new people.

Pho­tog­ra­phy is a skill that requires prac­tice and expe­ri­ence to devel­op, and the more you prac­tice, the bet­ter you’ll become. Our pho­towalks aim to get you out and take as many pho­tos as pos­si­ble!

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Meet new people and practice your skills at our Toronto photowalks.


What to expect at a photowalk:

  • Take pho­tos!
  • Meet like-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als
  • Prac­tice your pho­tog­ra­phy skills
  • Exper­i­ment with new tech­niques
  • Receive feed­back and find inspi­ra­tion
  • Gear talk!

What is a photowalk?

A pho­towalk is a guid­ed event where pho­tog­ra­phers of all skill lev­els and back­grounds come togeth­er at a pre-deter­mined loca­tion to take pho­tos, prac­tice their skills, dis­cuss pho­tog­ra­phy, and min­gle. A leader guides the group to dif­fer­ent places along a planned route and can offer tips and advice. Par­tic­i­pants bring their cam­eras and equip­ment and pho­to­graph what­ev­er inter­ests them. The atmos­phere is casu­al, empha­siz­ing hav­ing fun, meet­ing new peo­ple, and learn­ing from each oth­er.

My Toron­to pho­towalks are an oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet oth­er pho­tog­ra­phy enthu­si­asts, share your work, find inspi­ra­tion, and dis­cov­er parts of the city you don’t typ­i­cal­ly vis­it. So grab your cam­era and join me on a pho­towalk!

What to know about my photowalks

The next photowalk is TBD.

Meeting Location and estimated route:

To be decid­ed.

All cameras are welcome!

  • Bring your film or dig­i­tal cam­era and phone.

What to bring:

  • Cam­era
  • Snack
  • Hydra­tion

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Are you ready to join our photowalks and start taking pictures?

Free Toron­to Pho­towalk

More Info

More Information

What to wear

We hold our pho­towalks out­side all year round, so it’s essen­tial to check the weath­er fore­cast and dress appro­pri­ate­ly for the con­di­tions on the day of the walk. This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant on cold or wet days, so bring warm and water­proof cloth­ing to stay com­fort­able and pro­tect your equip­ment.1Please be aware that the per­for­mance of lithi­um bat­ter­ies in cold tem­per­a­tures may be reduced. To ensure the best per­for­mance of your cam­era dur­ing the work­shop, we rec­om­mend bring­ing two or more ful­ly charged bat­ter­ies if sub­ze­ro tem­per­a­tures are expect­ed on the day of the event.

Photowalk meeting point and location

Expo­sure Ther­a­py’s pho­towalks are held out­side and involve walk­ing to dif­fer­ent loca­tions. Please note that some places we vis­it may not be ful­ly acces­si­ble.

We may need to change the pho­towalk meet­ing point if there’s bad weath­er. We’ll inform you in advance if this hap­pens.

Cancellation and refunds


This activ­i­ty is free but has a lim­it­ed capac­i­ty. Please sign up only if you intend to attend, and let us know if you’ve changed your mind.