Hamilton Beginner Photography Bootcamp


Hamilton Beginner’s Photography Bootcamp: A One-Day Outdoor Workshop

A com­pre­hen­sive, begin­ner-friend­ly course to help you learn the essen­tials of pho­tog­ra­phy.

Introduction & Book Button

$357 • 9 hours • Out­doors & In-per­son • Pro instruc­tor • 5 Par­tic­i­pants

This one-day course will teach you essential photography techniques and give you the confidence to fully control your camera’s basic settings.

Whether you’re a com­plete begin­ner or an enthu­si­ast look­ing to take your pho­tog­ra­phy to the next lev­el, Expo­sure Ther­a­py is the per­fect way to kick­start your jour­ney toward becom­ing a more skilled and cre­ative pho­tog­ra­ph­er.

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Learn to take control of your camera to make beautiful pictures in our one-day bootcamp-style workshop in Hamilton.


What you’ll learn in our Hamilton beginner’s photography bootcamp workshop:

  • Dif­fer­ent image for­mats, con­trol­ling white bal­ance and colour, cor­rect­ing auto-expo­sure errors, set­ting ISO, and focus­ing your cam­era cor­rect­ly.
  • How the lens focal length affects per­spec­tive, how and when to use dif­fer­ent aper­tures, and tech­niques for manip­u­lat­ing the depth of field.
  • How the shut­ter speeds affect scenes with move­ment, how and when to use shut­ter pri­or­i­ty mode, and how to trou­bleshoot blur­ry pho­tos.
  • How to cor­rect­ly adjust your expo­sure set­tings man­u­al­ly to achieve desired results.


Join Expo­sure Ther­a­py’s Hamil­ton Begin­ner’s pho­tog­ra­phy boot­camp and take con­trol of your cam­er­a’s fea­tures! Our pro­gres­sive cur­ricu­lum cov­ers every­thing from basic dig­i­tal cam­era func­tions to ful­ly man­u­al expo­sure tech­niques. You’ll learn about aper­ture and lens, shut­ter speed and motion, and how to set man­u­al expo­sures cor­rect­ly using your cam­er­a’s light mea­sur­ing modes. Our class­room-free lessons com­bine the­o­ry and prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es to rein­force your new knowl­edge. Whether you’re new to pho­tog­ra­phy or look­ing to take your skills to the next lev­el, our boot­camp is the per­fect way to gain a sol­id under­stand­ing of essen­tial pho­tog­ra­phy tech­niques, all in just one day!

Important Details

Meeting Locations:

TBD: This is an out­door work­shop:

Accepted cameras:

  • We accept all cam­eras capa­ble of man­u­al mode.
  • We accept all brands of dig­i­tal cam­eras.
  • Con­tact us if you’re unsure about your camera’s suit­abil­i­ty for this course.

What to bring:

  • Cam­era and lens
  • Bat­ter­ies (ful­ly charged)1Expect a long day of tak­ing pic­tures and review­ing the results, which will deplete most cam­era bat­ter­ies. You’re encour­aged to bring two or more bat­ter­ies plus your charg­ing cables.
  • Mem­o­ry card (emp­tied)
  • Cam­era man­u­al
  • Note­book and pen
  • Hydra­tion, sun pro­tec­tion, and an umbrel­la

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Are you ready to upgrade your photography?

Join the 100s of new stu­dents who’ve improved their pho­tog­ra­phy with Expo­sure Ther­a­py.

Book Your Class­es Today

Sat­is­fac­tion guar­an­teed

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