302: Adobe Lightroom II – Develop, Edit, Retouch


302: Adobe Lightroom Course 2 – Developing and Retouching Photos

Ele­vate Your Pho­tog­ra­phy with Pro­fes­sion­al Light­room Edit­ing Tech­niques.

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$105 • 3.5‑hour course • Live online  Lim­it­ed to 5 stu­dents • Pro instruc­tor

Are you tired of your photos looking dull and ordinary? Are you overwhelmed by all the editing options in Lightroom? Do you want to take your skills to the next level and create professional-quality images?

Our sec­ond Light­room course is the per­fect way to get start­ed! You’ll learn pro­fes­sion­al-lev­el edit­ing tech­niques from a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er who will guide you through devel­op­ing and retouch­ing your pho­tos. By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills and con­fi­dence you need to take your pho­to edit­ing to the next lev­el.

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Tired of poking around? Learn Lightroom editing essentials with Exposure Therapy!


Our live online course teaches:

  • Nav­i­gat­ing Light­room’s Devel­op mod­ule
  • Crop­ping, straight­en­ing, and rotat­ing images
  • Set­ting cam­era pro­files, white bal­ance, and expo­sure adjust­ments
  • Adjust­ing detail and lens cor­rec­tions
  • Using masks to make selec­tive adjust­ments
  • Remov­ing objects, dust, and blem­ish­es
  • Merge images for HDR and panora­mas
  • Chang­ing colours and tones, and colour grad­ing
  • Vir­tu­al copies, snap­shots, and syn­chro­niz­ing cor­rec­tions
  • Cre­at­ing devel­op pre­sets


In this course, you’ll learn how to nav­i­gate Light­room’s Devel­op mod­ule and make pre­cise adjust­ments to your pho­tos using the pow­er­ful tools it offers. By learn­ing how to crop, straight­en, and rotate images, you’ll be able to trans­form poor­ly com­posed shots into per­fect­ly framed mas­ter­pieces. You’ll also learn how to set cam­era pro­files and white bal­ance, which can help you achieve accu­rate and con­sis­tent pho­to colours. By mak­ing expo­sure adjust­ments, you’ll be able to res­cue over- or under­ex­posed shots and get the per­fect look for your images.

You’ll also learn how to make detail and lens cor­rec­tions, which can help you fix com­mon prob­lems like dis­tor­tion, chro­mat­ic aber­ra­tion, and vignetting. By using masks to make selec­tive adjust­ments, you’ll be able to apply edits only to spe­cif­ic areas of your pho­tos, giv­ing you pre­cise con­trol over your edits. And by learn­ing how to remove objects, dust, and blem­ish­es, you’ll be able to clean up your pho­tos and elim­i­nate dis­trac­tions that can ruin an oth­er­wise great shot.

You’ll also learn how to merge images for HDR and panora­mas, which can help you cap­ture a broad­er range of tones and cre­ate stun­ning, high-impact images. By chang­ing colours and tones, and colour grad­ing your pho­tos, you’ll be able to cre­ate a cohe­sive look and achieve the per­fect mood for your images. You’ll learn how to use vir­tu­al copies, snap­shots, and syn­chro­niz­ing cor­rec­tions to make non-destruc­tive edits and keep your work­flow effi­cient. And by cre­at­ing devel­op pre­sets, you’ll be able to quick­ly apply your favourite edits to mul­ti­ple pho­tos at once, sav­ing you time and stream­lin­ing your work­flow.

Important Details

Software and hardware requirements:

  • Func­tion­al com­put­er (Mac or Win­dows PC) with a fast inter­net con­nec­tion.
  • Up-to-date instal­la­tion of Adobe Light­room Clas­sic (down­load tri­al or license here)

Prerequisite skills:

This les­son assumes you have a work­ing knowl­edge of your com­put­er and its oper­at­ing sys­tem.

Make sure you know how to use the cur­sor, the stan­dard menus and com­mands, and open, save, and close files and appli­ca­tions. Can you scroll with­in a win­dow to reveal con­tent beyond the dis­played area? Do you know how to access con­tex­tu­al menus by right-click­ing?

Please review these basic com­put­er skills in the doc­u­men­ta­tion includ­ed with your com­put­er before par­tic­i­pat­ing in this les­son.

Course location:

What’s provided:

  • Zip archive con­tain­ing a vari­ety of exam­ple pho­tos to work on.

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Are you ready to learn Adobe Lightroom editing online?

Reg­is­ter today to learn Adobe Light­room edit­ing with Expo­sure Ther­a­py.

301: Light­room 2

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