301: Adobe Lightroom Course I – Import & Organize Photos


301: Adobe Lightroom Course 1 – Importing and Organizing Images

Our Adobe Light­room course will teach you how to effort­less­ly import and orga­nize pho­tos like a pro.

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$105 • 3‑hour course • Live online  Lim­it­ed to 5 stu­dents • Pro instruc­tor

Are you struggling to keep track of all your photos and feeling frustrated with a cluttered photo library? Our online course will show you how to use Lightroom’s powerful organizing tools to import and sort your images efficiently and effectively.

Adobe Light­room can help you orga­nize and find your pho­tos more eas­i­ly. Its import­ing and sort­ing fea­tures keep your pho­to library well-orga­nized and easy to nav­i­gate, while its robust devel­op­ment and retouch­ing tools allow you to enhance and trans­form your pho­tos. All this from a sin­gle app! 

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Tired of messing about? Accelerate your Lightroom chops with Exposure Therapy!


Our live online course teaches:

  • Cre­at­ing, man­ag­ing, and back­ing up cat­a­logues
  • Choos­ing an orga­ni­za­tion­al method and oth­er DAM 
  • Import­ing files from cam­eras, dri­ves, cards, and more
  • Import options, pre­sets, and des­ti­na­tions
  • Nav­i­gat­ing the Library tab and inter­face
  • Dis­cov­er the Cat­a­logue, Fold­ers, and Col­lec­tion sec­tions
  • Fil­ter­ing pho­tos and tag­ging key­words


Are you tired of search­ing for the right pho­to in a clut­tered library? In our first Light­room course, we’ll teach you how to cre­ate and man­age cat­a­logues that keep your pho­tos orga­nized and easy to access. You’ll learn about dif­fer­ent pho­to orga­niz­ing meth­ods and how to use DAM (Dig­i­tal Asset Man­age­ment) tech­niques to stream­line your work­flow. By learn­ing how to cre­ate and man­age cat­a­logues in Light­room, you’ll be able to quick­ly find and access the pho­tos you need, sav­ing you time and frus­tra­tion.

You’ll also learn to import files from var­i­ous sources, such as cam­eras, dri­ves, and mem­o­ry cards, and dis­cov­er the mul­ti­ple import options and pre­sets avail­able in Light­room. This can be espe­cial­ly help­ful if you take a lot of pho­tos or work with large vol­umes of images, as it allows you to effi­cient­ly bring your pho­tos into Light­room and get start­ed on your post-pro­cess­ing work.

In addi­tion to learn­ing about pho­to orga­ni­za­tion and import­ing, you’ll also become famil­iar with the Light­room inter­face and nav­i­gate the Library tab, includ­ing the Cat­a­logue, Fold­ers, and Col­lec­tions sec­tions. We’ll also cov­er how to fil­ter and tag your pho­tos with key­words to make find­ing the images you need even eas­i­er. By learn­ing how to use Light­room’s pow­er­ful orga­niz­ing and import­ing tools, you’ll be able to stream­line your pho­to edit­ing work­flow and get the most out of your soft­ware. Don’t miss out on this oppor­tu­ni­ty to take con­trol of your pho­to library and become a Light­room pro!

Important Details

Software and hardware requirements:

  • Func­tion­al com­put­er (Mac or Win­dows PC) with a fast inter­net con­nec­tion.
  • Up-to-date instal­la­tion of Adobe Light­room Clas­sic (down­load tri­al or license here)

Prerequisite skills:

This les­son assumes you have a work­ing knowl­edge of your com­put­er and its oper­at­ing sys­tem.

Make sure you know how to use the cur­sor, the stan­dard menus and com­mands, and open, save, and close files and appli­ca­tions. Can you scroll with­in a win­dow to reveal con­tent beyond the dis­played area? Do you know how to access con­tex­tu­al menus by right-click­ing?

Please review these basic com­put­er skills in the doc­u­men­ta­tion includ­ed with your com­put­er before par­tic­i­pat­ing in this les­son.

Course location:

What’s provided:

  • Zip archive con­tain­ing a vari­ety of exam­ple pho­tos to work on.

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Are you ready to learn Adobe Lightroom online?

Reg­is­ter today to start­ing learn­ing Adobe Light­room online with Expo­sure Ther­a­py.

301: Light­room I

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