Toronto Photowalk – October 2023 – Riverdale Farm, Toronto Necropolis, Riverdale Park East

Photowalk details:

Date: Octo­ber, 2023

What a dif­fer­ence a month makes! Just com­pare the weath­er evi­dence in the pho­tos from my Toron­to pho­towalk in Sep­tem­ber to the con­di­tions depict­ed below.

Loca­tion: We met at 2 p.m. at the west gate of Riverdale Farm (near the bike lock posts). From there, we explored the farm and pho­tographed the res­i­dent ani­mals. After­wards, we head­ed across the street to explore the Toron­to Necrop­o­lis for its creepy vibes. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it was large­ly over­cast, and the light was dull except for a short minute. Our next stop was Bridge­point Hos­pi­tal and its grounds, a mix of new and old archi­tec­ture. It’s across the Don Val­ley, so we crossed the pedes­tri­an bridge over the Don Riv­er and the DVP. After the hos­pi­tal, we walked north Broad­view Ave towards the top of the hill over­look­ing the park. The dull weath­er sapped all the cheer, and the typ­i­cal­ly bustling hill­side was large­ly devoid of peo­ple. The sun was behind dense clouds, and we quick­ly gave up wait­ing to take sun­set pho­tos. We returned via the DVP bridge. Octo­ber­s’s pho­towalk did­n’t have a theme.

Below are some pictures I captured during this photowalk. Most photos were taken with my Fujifilm XF 50–140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR and XF 16–55mm F2.8 R LM WR lenses.

Photowalk through Toronto's Riverdale Farm. Calf with green nose ring.
A calf with a spiked plas­tic nose ring. I sus­pect it’s spikey to dis­cour­age suck­ling from the adult cow with which it shares the enclo­sure. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 50–140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR Lens. 1/400 sec at ƒ/2.8 and ISO 320.
Photowalk through Toronto's Riverdale Farm. Calf with green nose ring.
Same calf, dif­fer­ent angle. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 50–140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR Lens. 1/400 sec at ƒ/2.8 and ISO 320.
Photowalk through Toronto's Riverdale Farm. Relaxing lambs.
Riverdale Farm has two enclo­sures for sheep. This is the south­east por­tion. I shot it using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 50–140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR Lens. The set­tings were 1/210 sec at ƒ/4.0 and ISO 640.
Photowalk through Toronto's Riverdale Farm. Lone wooly sheep.
This perky sheep is in the north­ern enclo­sure. I shot it using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 50–140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR Lens. The set­tings were 1/2500 sec at ƒ/2.8 and ISO 640.
Photowalk through Toronto's Riverdale Farm. Hens in the chicken coop.
Chick­ens in the hen house. I was­n’t going to take a pho­to because the light was flat, but I changed my tune quite quick­ly as the sun peaked through the clouds and illu­mi­nat­ed this hen through the barn door. Focus­ing on this image was a pain in the ass. Even with bird eye detec­tion aut­o­fo­cus turned on, the cam­era kept tar­get­ing the chick­en­wire. Even­tu­al­ly, I gave up try­ing to fight the cam­era and switched to man­u­al focus­ing mode. Luck­i­ly, the light stayed bright. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 50–140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR Lens. 1/2000 sec at ƒ/4.0 and ISO 640.
Photowalk through the Toronto Necropolis. An ancient and severely weathered tombstone.
The sun was in and out dur­ing our stroll through the Toron­to Necrop­o­lis. The scenery lacked lus­tre, but I spot­ted this dark head­stone against a bright yel­low tree. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 50–140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR Lens. 1/400 sec at ƒ/4.0 and ISO 160.
Photowalk through the Toronto Necropolis. Burst of colour from a tree.
I was ini­tial­ly drawn to the burst of colour from the two trees on the upper right. How­ev­er, I could­n’t think of a fea­si­ble com­po­si­tion until I found the tiny fence curv­ing up towards it from a nar­row path. Still, the scene was chal­leng­ing, and this pho­to is heav­i­ly edit­ed to keep the intend­ed sub­ject the main point of focus. There’s exten­sive burn­ing in the upper left and bot­tom right cor­ners and the hedge­line. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 16–55mm F2.8 R LM WR Lens. 1/50 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 160.
Photowalk through Toronto's Riverdale Farm. Small flower in a scummy pond.
At the bot­tom of the hill upon which Riverdale Farm sits, just before exit­ing out to Riverdale Park West and its fields, there’s a nasty old pond with a tan­gle of fall­en trees and green scum. Voila! Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 16–55mm F2.8 R LM WR Lens. 1/60 sec at ƒ/5.6 and ISO 160.
Photowalk through the Bridgepoint Hospital and Riverdale Park East. Abstract shapes and colours.
Just north of the front entrance to the Bridge­point Hos­pi­tal is a large con­crete sit­ting area with sev­er­al round rain and sun shel­ters that resem­ble flat­tened mush­room caps. This is them. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 16–55mm F2.8 R LM WR Lens. 1/60 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 160.
Photowalk through the Bridgepoint Hospital and Riverdale Park East. Abstract shapes and colours.
Just north of the front entrance to the Bridge­point Hos­pi­tal is a large con­crete sit­ting area with sev­er­al round rain and sun shel­ters that resem­ble flat­tened mush­room caps. This is more. Shot using my Fuji­film X‑H2s cam­era and Fuji­non XF 16–55mm F2.8 R LM WR Lens. 1/60 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 160.

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