Toronto Photowalk 4: Berczy Park, St. James Park, and Distillery District.

Photowalk details:

Date: April 22, 2023

Loca­tion: We met near the Berczy Park Dog Foun­tain. Our points of inter­est includ­ed St. James Cathe­dral and St. James Park, St. Lawrence Mar­ket, and Dis­tillery Dis­trict, where we grabbed cof­fee and treats.

The theme I had orig­i­nal­ly envi­sioned, Light and Con­trast, was a bust. I was hop­ing that sun­nier con­di­tions would encour­age folks to exper­i­ment pho­to­graph­i­cal­ly with the warm con­trast of late after­noon sun­light. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the weath­er was drea­ry and over­cast, more rep­re­sen­ta­tive of late Novem­ber than late April.

Some photos from the photowalk

I’m slight­ly embar­rassed to admit that I only took two pho­tos, and one of them isn’t worth shar­ing. I blame it on my state of mind. The weath­er was unco­op­er­a­tive and I was busy ensur­ing every­one was feel­ing wel­come and enjoy­ing them­selves.

Toronto photowalk and photography classes, Michael Comstock Pavilion in St James Park.
The Michael Com­stock Pavil­ion in St. James Park. Pho­tographed with my Fuji­film X‑T2 using the XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR lens. 1/125 sec at ƒ/5.6 and ISO 200. Edit­ed in Adobe Light­room Clas­sic.
Toronto photowalk meetup at Berczy Park in April.
Pho­to of myself and two oth­er par­tic­i­pants. By Matthias Sijt­stra.
Explain­ing how to make keystoning/perspective cor­rec­tions on iPhones. By Matthias Sijt­stra.
Berczy Park Dog Fountain
Berczy Park Dog Foun­tain. By Shayan Man­nan.
St James Park tulips.
Tulips at St. James Park. By Ricky Kwan (
St James Park Tulips and Garden.
More tulips at St. James Park. By Shokat Khan.
Reli­gious sym­bols. By Ricky Kwan (
Rusty truck in the Dis­tillery Dis­trict. By Ricky Kwan (
Love locks. By Shayan Man­nan.

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