Toronto Photowalk 2: Brookfield Place to Nathan Phillips Square

Exposure Therapy’s second photowalk in Toronto.

I want to thank every­one who braved the chilly wind to join me on Expo­sure Therapy’s sec­ond Toron­to pho­towalk. There were sev­er­al last-minute can­cel­la­tions, but enough peo­ple showed up to form a tight, well-round­ed group. I hope for greater atten­dance as the weath­er swings into spring and more folks are will­ing to spend pro­longed peri­ods out­side!

Photowalk details:

Date: Feb­ru­ary 26, 2023

Loca­tion: Brook­field Place, Nathan Phillips Square, Osgoode Hall, and David Pecaut Square.

Theme: Wide-angle pho­tog­ra­phy. “Let’s explore the pos­si­bil­i­ties of using wide-angle lens­es. In this pho­towalk, you’re chal­lenged to use focal lengths of 35mm or less on full-frame or 24mm or less on APS‑C. Let’s have fun and explore extreme per­spec­tives!”

Some of the photos I made during the photowalk.

Toronto's Sterling Tower in sunlight.
The Ster­ling Tow­er in sun­light. Cap­tured with my Fuji­film X‑T2 using the XF16mmF1.4 R WR lens. 1/500 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 200. Edit­ed in Adobe Light­room Clas­sic.
Pedestrian bridge to the Canada Life tower during middle afternoon.
West face of the Cana­da Life tow­er in mid-after­noon. Pho­tographed using my Fuji­film X‑T2 using the XF16mmF1.4 R WR lens. 1/1000 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 320. They were edit­ed in Adobe Light­room Clas­sic.
Chaotic street signs Simcoe St., Toronto
The sta­t­ic chaos of street signs, traf­fic lights, and dec­o­ra­tive planters. Pho­tographed using my Fuji­film X‑T2 using the XF16mmF1.4 R WR lens. 1/500 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 200. Edit­ed to taste in Adobe Light­room Clas­sic.
A skylight for the underground PATH in Toronto's Commerce Court.
Exag­ger­at­ed per­spec­tive on the sky­light struc­ture for the under­ground PATH below Toron­to’s Com­merce Court. Pho­tographed using my Fuji­film X‑T2 using the XF16mmF1.4 R WR lens. 1/250 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 400. Edit­ed to taste in Adobe Light­room Clas­sic.
A chaotic tangle of metallic frames near the Toronto Peace Garden.
A tan­gle of frames between the pedes­tri­an con­course north of Osgoode Hall and the Toron­to Peace Gar­den. Pho­tographed using my Fuji­film X‑T2 using the XF16mmF1.4 R WR lens. 1/500 sec at ƒ/8.0 and ISO 200. Edit­ed to taste in Adobe Light­room Clas­sic.

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