Techniques for Setting Manual Exposure

The first step in becom­ing pro­fi­cient at any of the man­u­al expo­sure tech­niques dis­cussed below is to famil­iar­ize your­self with the quick and pre­cise adjust­ment of your cam­er­a’s shut­ter speed, aper­ture, and ISO val­ues. The sec­ond step is learn­ing to adjust your camera’s meter­ing modes. The remain­der of this guide assumes you’re com­fort­able with both. The third step is to remem­ber every­thing you’ve learned about the aes­thet­ic and tech­ni­cal aspects of shut­ter speed, aper­ture, and ISO, and put that knowl­edge into prac­tice. Last­ly, it’s impor­tant to under­stand that both this and the fol­low­ing sec­tion focus on man­u­al expo­sure, not man­u­al focus­ing. Too often, stu­dents and begin­ners mis­tak­en­ly believe that man­u­al mode requires man­u­al con­trol of every­thing, which can be intim­i­dat­ing. For­tu­nate­ly, this is not the case; in fact, the only con­tem­po­rary cam­era sys­tems where this is true are Leica’s M‑series, which lacks auto­mat­ic or semi-auto­mat­ic focus­ing.

Is manual exposure necessary?

Mem­o­rable pho­tographs, espe­cial­ly land­scapes, are often the result of light­ing con­di­tions that are dis­tinct­ly ‘not aver­age.’ Under these unusu­al cir­cum­stances, nor­mal rules and automa­tion will prob­a­bly fail to pro­duce the fine, expres­sive pho­to­graph you have visu­al­ized.

–John P. Scha­ef­fer

Man­u­al expo­sure allows you to take con­trol of your image. It encour­ages you to pause and apply a more delib­er­ate approach to your pho­tog­ra­phy, free­ing your mind from the ten­den­cy to snap pic­tures thought­less­ly at every oppor­tu­ni­ty. In this way, it helps you make cre­ative deci­sions with pur­pose.

Mod­ern cam­eras offer mul­ti­ple ways to achieve the same expo­sure. Many advanced and pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phers rely on their camera’s auto-expo­sure set­tings to quick­ly and effec­tive­ly cap­ture images. How­ev­er, there are also sit­u­a­tions where man­u­al­ly set­ting the expo­sure is the best or only viable tech­nique for achiev­ing the image you envi­sion. You’re encour­aged to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent meth­ods and dis­cov­er what best suits your style.

Ulti­mate­ly, man­u­al expo­sure isn’t nec­es­sary in most pho­to­graph­ic sit­u­a­tions. Nev­er­the­less, under­stand­ing how it works and how to use it to achieve desired results will be help­ful in sit­u­a­tions that require it.

Sunny ƒ/16 rule of thumb

Every pho­tog­ra­ph­er should know this rule of thumb: when your sub­ject is in direct sun­light, set your expo­sure to ƒ/16 and a shut­ter speed that match­es the rec­i­p­ro­cal of your ISO val­ue. For exam­ple, with a cam­era set to ISO 200, the cor­rect expo­sure for a sub­ject illu­mi­nat­ed by direct after­noon sun­light on a clear day will be ƒ/16 and 1/200 sec­ond. If you need less depth of field or a faster shut­ter speed, adjust the pro­por­tions accord­ing to the reci­procity law. An equiv­a­lent expo­sure at the same ISO would be ƒ/11 and 1/400 sec­ond, ƒ/8 and 1/800 sec­ond, and so on.

Copy your auto-exposure values

In sit­u­a­tions beyond direct sun­light, one of the eas­i­est tech­niques for begin­ners to exper­i­ment with man­u­al expo­sure is by copy­ing the auto-expo­sure set­tings. This involves tak­ing sev­er­al tri­al images using your pre­ferred auto-expo­sure mode and ana­lyz­ing the expo­sure val­ues. If you like the results of a par­tic­u­lar shot, switch your cam­era to man­u­al mode and repli­cate the shut­ter speed, aper­ture, and ISO set­tings.

Use a handheld incident-light meter

A more advanced, yet straight­for­ward and accu­rate tech­nique, espe­cial­ly for por­traits or sub­jects with­in reach, is using an inci­dent-light meter. Con­tem­po­rary light meters oper­ate in either Aper­ture Pri­or­i­ty or Shut­ter Pri­or­i­ty modes. In both cas­es, you set the ISO val­ue and either the shut­ter speed or aper­ture (depend­ing on your desired effect), and then take a read­ing of the inci­dent light from the subject’s posi­tion with the lumi­sphere point­ing towards the cam­era. After tak­ing a mea­sure­ment, the meter will dis­play the cor­rect expo­sure val­ues based on the light read­ing and your cho­sen set­tings.

For exam­ple, if you want to take a por­trait in open shade on a sun­ny day, and you’ve decid­ed that a nar­row depth of field is impor­tant, you might choose ƒ/2 and ISO 200. If the light meter indi­cates that a shut­ter speed of 1/1000 sec­ond is need­ed, you would adjust your cam­er­a’s set­tings accord­ing­ly. If you’re using a large and com­plex lens, you might need to adjust the expo­sure val­ues slight­ly to com­pen­sate for dif­fer­ences in the lens’s trans­mis­sion val­ue (see F‑stops and T‑stops in Aper­ture).

Use the camera’s reflected-light meter

The most acces­si­ble method for man­u­al­ly set­ting expo­sure val­ues is to use your camera’s built-in reflect­ed-light meter. With prac­tice, this process becomes sim­ple and takes only a few sec­onds. How­ev­er, it depends on the scenario’s com­plex­i­ty and how com­fort­able you are with your camera’s con­trols. Before you begin:

  1. Famil­iar­ize your­self with how and where your cam­era dis­plays expo­sure infor­ma­tion in the viewfind­er or on the LCD. (Typ­i­cal­ly, it’s ordered from left to right as shut­ter speed, aper­ture, and ISO.)
  2. Select the appro­pri­ate meter­ing mode for the scene, such as eval­u­a­tive, matrix, or mul­ti-pat­tern meter­ing.

The large notch (or zero) at the cen­ter of the light meter scale in your viewfind­er des­ig­nates the stan­dard expo­sure index, which rep­re­sents the cam­er­a’s idea of opti­mal expo­sure. This “opti­mal” expo­sure is influ­enced by the cho­sen meter­ing mode. In man­u­al mode, the expo­sure lev­el indi­ca­tor shows how your set expo­sure val­ues devi­ate from this stan­dard index.

Remem­ber, the expo­sure lev­el indi­ca­tor is dynam­ic and can fluc­tu­ate wild­ly based on the part of the scene your cam­era is aimed at, espe­cial­ly in spot meter­ing mode. Set­ting your expo­sure val­ues man­u­al­ly using the camera’s expo­sure meter is straight­for­ward, regard­less of whether you’re using an opti­cal or elec­tron­ic viewfind­er, live view LCD, or rangefind­er. The remain­der of this guide assumes you’re using a DSLR with an opti­cal viewfind­er, but the process is sim­i­lar across most cam­eras.

After com­pos­ing your image, check the expo­sure meter and note where the expo­sure lev­el indi­ca­tor sits rel­a­tive to the stan­dard expo­sure index. If the indi­ca­tor is on the pos­i­tive side, the cam­era is advis­ing that your cur­rent set­tings will result in over­ex­po­sure. If it’s on the neg­a­tive side, it’s advis­ing under­ex­po­sure. Adjust your set­tings accord­ing­ly to align the indi­ca­tor with the index mark for what the cam­era con­sid­ers “cor­rect” expo­sure.

For exam­ple, if your cam­era is set to 1/80 sec­ond, ƒ/1.4, and ISO 1600, and the expo­sure lev­el indi­ca­tor is at +2 EV, the cam­era expects your set­tings will over­ex­pose the image by two stops. To cor­rect this, adjust one or more of the para­me­ters by –2 EV. How you reach the total com­pen­sa­tion of –2 EV doesn’t mat­ter (see Reci­procity Law). In this exam­ple, if the shut­ter speed and aper­ture are appro­pri­ate for your sub­ject, reduc­ing the ISO to 400 (–2 EV) might be the best option for low­er noise.

Of course, blind­ly fol­low­ing the light meter’s advice in man­u­al mode is no dif­fer­ent from rely­ing on auto-expo­sure modes. Use your judg­ment as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er to under­stand the sub­ject, the scene, and where the camera’s pro­gram might err. For instance, pho­tograph­ing a per­son in bright cloth­ing against a bright back­ground might require shift­ing the expo­sure indi­ca­tor to +1 EV to +1½ EV for an accu­rate rep­re­sen­ta­tion, rather than align­ing it with the stan­dard index. Con­verse­ly, a sub­ject dressed in dark cloth­ing against low-reflectance foliage might be bet­ter exposed by shift­ing to –1/2 EV to –1 EV.

With prac­tice and rep­e­ti­tion, oper­at­ing your camera’s expo­sure con­trols will become instinc­tive and guid­ed by mus­cle mem­o­ry. So, get out there and prac­tice.